Call and Response: Curating as Social Practice
October 30, 2018
4pm - 7pm
Open Forum Conversation
Location: Experimenter - Ballygunge Place, 45 Ballygunge Place, Kolkata 700019
To register please email admin@experimenter.in
For Call and Response: Curating as Social Practice, Ginwala will address curating Contour Biennale 8 entitled Polyphonic Worlds: Justice as Medium (2017) that investigates questions of legal representation, testimonial production and staging trials beyond the limits of the court of law through artistic processes; and Riots: Slow Cancellation of the Future (2018) that remains concerned with the intersection between art, the politics of disorder, racial violence and a phenomenology of the multitude. Ginwala will articulate her curatorial strategies in terms of endurance, collectivity and continuum, resonating with Audre Lorde’s provocation, “Revolution is not a onetime event.”