Experimental Imagination: What it means to develop and to express an avant-garde sensibility - a profoundly distinctive imagination of art, films, technology and experience.
Aug 27 - 31, 2018
2pm - 7pm daily
Course Fee: INR 2500
Maximum number of participants: 15 persons
This five-day module will delve deep into the theory, process and practice of experimental films to summon the idea of radical imagination in art and cinema. What does it mean to make experimental works? What is avant-garde? What it means to develop and to express an avant-garde sensibility - a profoundly distinctive imagination of art, films, technology and experience. Through lectures, discussion, film screenings and readings, we will engage with theory and practice of avant-garde cinema. We will see, discuss and analyze films from all over the world. From the birth of cinema to contemporary computational moving images. This module is designed to use experimental cinema as way open up one horizons of imagination. The module is not just meant for filmmakers but is open to anyone who want to think and imagine differently – writers, artist, musicians, journalists, designers or anyone who would be interested in this conversation.27of 27